Sunday 26 May 2013

msp ppl can be rlly mean lately some ppl get builled n we dont like it but if u dont know what msp is type it in it looks like this

if u wanna add me my name is mrs jesse i like blackandwhite he is so cute if u have jack sellar as an friend he is alright not da best


if u see this girl dont be friends with her shes an hacker
she can hack so dont be her friend or any1 called anonymous
i asked her an quistion once this was it
so DONT be her friend she can also bully
this hacker puts stuff like this its an trick so dont fall for it
she trys 2 hack ya friends

vip club

if u r vip u can have fun in the vip club but mean ppl r in there
this is the vip club ppl say do d ride n ill give u greeting but after the diamond ride they run away
 u may see msp is not what u think i luv it i am on it every day but i always bump into an hacker or meany
sometimes they pretend to be twins but r rlly hackers i have been there
but sometimes mean ppl r in chat rooms calling ppl n them crazy n mad

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